Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Sense of Community


Like a good yoga studio, the Marrara yoga studio has all the essential qualities that are conducive to yoga students and their teacher. One important aspect for an ideal yoga studio is to provide what most people want – human connection.


The yoga studio should be able to give the space where people can connect, support, learn, and celebrate together. This is the important contribution that a Marrara yoga studio can provide. This is where people connect, can interact with one another and develop personal relationships.


Sense of community


The studio and the support of the community can have a profound impact on learning and understanding what yoga imparts to the student.


The feeling of community and connecting with others through spirit, body, mind and the world at large can impact on everyone especially those who are in the healing process.


The connections (yoga studio to yoga studio) that make up the larger community are the empowering link in creating a larger community. If this power of connection is harnessed, our community can influence greater positive changes in the community outside of the yoga world.


Over and above this advantage, there are other reasons why Marrara yoga studio are important.


Safe space


A yoga studio provides a safe space for the students to be at their most authentic selves. This is one place where riches and credentials do not matter.


This is one place where your mind can soften back into your heart.


A place to learn


With a skilled and competent teacher, a yoga studio is a place of learning. The biggest part of learning includes techniques and adjustments related to physical alignment and the opportunity to be inspired by the philosophical teachings of yoga.


Another important lesson a student can have is being able to gain insights from the life experiences of the teachers.


If a student is connected to the teacher and the teacher is connected to yoga, then that student is connected to yoga.


Place of accountability


Yoga studios provide accountability and camaraderie in sticking with goals. This accountability for one another in helping stay the course with healthy intentions (whether physical or emotional) brings a powerful effect on the practice.


One yogi says, “The yoga studio provides the benefits of a gym and the church.”


Place of community


The studio is a place of community of people with one mind and with opportunities of making friends. This like-mindedness of everyone helps increase the awareness and experience on the mat.


It helps build group rhythm and sharing big moments, falling out of poses and laughter. However different each one gets from the practice, everyone took the same class. The thinking is that “we are all in this together”.


Space for transformation


Today’s changing times enables people to learn yoga through Instagram and watching their practice on their laptops. However, there is nothing like practicing in the studio itself.


The atmosphere and the feel of the other fellow students and the teacher are irreplaceable. This sense of togetherness and like-mindedness cannot be duplicated and is an important factor in the learning of yoga.