Sunday, October 18, 2020

How to Maximize Your Time In A Yoga Class


If you have decided to attend a yoga class more regularly, but the commitment has now started to wane? The following are some helpful things to do when attending yoga classes Marrara to keep you going back regularly.


Leave your ego at the door when you enter


The yoga classes Marrara are not the place for egos. Be humble in your practice. Use a block if it means your hips are better aligned, use the wall if it means balances are more stable, and use a strap if it means your back is straighter and bends are deeper. Be patient in reaching advanced postures. Yoga is not a competition or a race.


Leave the judgment by the door


Concentrate on your own journey in your yoga class. Yoga is a personal practice. Each person in that class will have their own strengths and weaknesses, their own story and own reason for being there. People have different shapes and sizes. We turn up to class and try our best.


Keep going


Many people new to yoga are surprised at how challenging yoga classes Marrara can be, physically or mentally. You may struggle keeping up or understanding the terminology. It can be intimidating walking into a yoga class for the first time, not knowing your Downward Dog from a Happy Baby. Research and home practice can help, as a bit of knowledge can give you the confidence to return.


Speak to your instructor because they want you in their class and they want you to love it. Every pose can be modified and if you feel out of your depth. They will guide you through those early weeks until you are swimming with the tide.


Respect your yoga teacher


Give your teacher the respect they deserve by really listening to their instructions. If they are making general posture corrections, assume that it may be directed at you. Check your alignment even if you have done that pose a million times. Listen to the teacher and observe your body.


Use the mirror


Not all classes are held in a mirrored studio, and often teachers conduct class away from a mirror. Still, it is helpful to use the mirror, not to preen or to compare yourself with others, but as a tool to observe posture and alignment and to develop awareness of how your body feels when it is in the correct place. Then, away from that mirror, when you cannot see that you are aligned correctly, you will be able to feel it.


Show up on your class even when you do not feel good


You should always listen to your body. Drag yourself and your mat to yoga classes when either your mind and body do not feel like it. Modify the poses, do a more gentle practice if need be, but be present, and it will be worth it.


Committing to regularly attending yoga classes can sometimes feel like another thing to tick off the to-do list, but embrace the experience and energy you gain from group yoga and see the positive changes your life.

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